mira dreyer

Full Name: Mira Marie Dreyer

Parents: Megan and B.J. Dreyer

Siblings: Dylan (14-8th Grade)

Parent/Sibling Trait that you Admire: I admire how much my parents do for my family. They are so supportive and always find time to go to all of our events. They also are very hardworking and always provide for me and my brother. They put family before everything. I admire how determined my brother is.

When I was young, I envisioned myself to be: A baker.

Future Plans: I plan on attending Iowa State University to major in human development and family studies. After college, I want to get a career in social work. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: In 10 years, I see myself with my own family with a supportive job doing what I love. Hopefully I am living somewhere close to Treynor.

What is your most memorable moment from school years at Treynor: My most memorable moment from my school years at Treynor was making it to the Iowa Vocal Jazz Championships last year. It was my first time making it and the group was a lot of fun to be with.

What extra-curricular activities were you involved in at Treynor? Cross country, basketball, track, softball, marching band, jazz band, jazz choir, musical, NHS, student council, JOI club, FBLA, large group speech, individual speech, SPY cell group, CREW, FCA, 4-H, and WIC SAC.

If you have a day without commitments, what would you most likely be doing? I would most likely be sleeping in, eating lots of good food, going shopping with friends, and watching movies.

What are some of your favorites (e.g. books, movies, foods)? My favorite book is the Selection. My favorite TV show is Psych. My favorite Starbucks drink is a hot chai tea latte. My favorite movie is Hairspray. My favorite food is my grandpa's shrimp fried rice. My favorite dessert is chewy chocolate chip cookies.

What will you miss the most about THS? I will miss the small school feel and the connections and closeness. I will also miss how supportive the teachers are of everyone.

What advice would you give underclassmen? Be involved in as much stuff as you can and want, you won't regret it. The more you're involved, the more memories you will make.