michelle gonzalez-arevalo

Full Name: Michelle Alejandra Gonzalez-Arevalo

Parents: Miguel & Ena Gonzalez

Siblings: Miguel (21), Maribel (14)

Parent/Sibling Trait that you Admire: Something that I admire about my parents are their sense of humor and how they support my siblings and I with everything we do.

When I was young, I envisioned myself to be: For the longest time I wanted to be a teacher since it seemed fun and would allow me to help and teach others.

Future Plans: I plan to attend Iowa Western for two year then transfer to Nursing School.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: In 10 years I see myself, married with a family working as a successful Labor and Delivery Nurse.

What is your most memorable moment from school years at Treynor: I have had many memorable moments during my time at Treynor but the most memorable would have to be the first game the I ever cheered at against St.Albert.

What extra-curricular activities were you involved in at Treynor? Throughout my time in Treynor, I was involved in a few extra-curriculars. During my junior and senior year I managed the Treynor Boys Basketball team and throughout my senior year I was a football and basketball cheerleader.

If you have a day without commitments, what would you most likely be doing? If I had a day without commitments I would most likely be in my bed sleeping or watching my favorite show at the moment.

What are some of your favorites (e.g. books, movies, foods)? My favorite book is "They Both Die at the End". My favorite movie is "Grease". My favorite food is Sushi. My favorite color is Blue. My favorite TV show is "Grey's Anatomy". My favorite dessert is cheesecake.

What will you miss most about THS? What I will miss the most is seeing my friends everyday, talking to and laughing with them in the halls while others look at us like we're crazy. I will also miss the atmosphere of the school itself.

What advice would you give underclassmen? Don't stress about the small things because before you know it, you'll be graduating.