jaxon schumacher

Full Name: Jaxon Schumacher

Nickname:  Action Jaxon

Parents: Bonnie Mathews & Chris Schumacher

Other Family: Luke Matthews (11th), Delaney Matthews (9th), Brady Wallace (10th)

Parent/Sibling Trait that you Admire: How hardworking and helpful my family is. They will always help if you need them to.

When I was young, I envisioned myself to be: A college baseball player.

Future Plans: I am going to play college baseball at Kirkwood Community College.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I hopefully see myself being a business owner or playing in the MLB.

What is your most memorable moment from school years at Treynor: One of the favorite sports memories is going to state in 2021. A school memory is when I was a freshmen, I saw one of the seniors walk out of the bathroom with the broken stall doors in his hands.

What extra-curricular activities were you involved in at Treynor? Baseball, Track, Football.

If you have a day without commitments, what would you most likely be doing? Hanging around watching sports or playing some video games.

What are some of your favorites (e.g. books, movies, foods)? I love the movie Wolf of Wall Street.

What will you miss most about THS? I am going to miss the culture and the community. I will miss the traditions we do year round.

What advice would you give underclassmen? Don't stress about school. Show up and enjoy every moment you can. Everyone says that it flies by but its true. Get your school work done and enjoy the time spent with friends.