joslyn guttau

Full Name: Joslyn Grace Guttau

Parents: Josh & Shelly Guttau

Siblings: Shianne Kizer (25), Dane (15), Tessa (8), Jona (17)

Parent/Sibling Trait that you Admire: I admire how supportive my family is. They are always there for me when I need them.

When I was young, I envisioned myself to be: When I was younger I envisioned myself being a teacher and mom.

Future Plans: After graduating, I plan to attend UNI to study business and technology. I will also be part of the color guard team in the Panther Marching Band.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: In 10 years I see myself living in this area, having a family, and working in business and technology.

What is your most memorable moment from school years at Treynor: My most memorable moment at Treynor was when Mr. Schoening threw a sword at me and said, "I want you to learn how to throw this for the marching band show!" Another memorable moment was choreographing the 2022 marching band show and receiving awards for the color guard team's hard work and dedication! I also enjoyed participating in band with my brother and cousins.

What extra-curricular activities were you involved in at Treynor? I was involved in color guard, band, and speech.

If you have a day without commitments, what would you most likely be doing? If I had a day without commitments, I would be spending it on the lake with my family.

What are some of your favorites (e.g. books, movies, foods)? My favorite things are: green and blue, wake surfing, the Little House on the Prairie series, Thai lettuce wraps, and penguins.

What will you miss the most about THS? I will miss performing with Treynor's color guard team and the marching band.

What advice would you give underclassmen? Find what you love and focus on your goals!