Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Expenditure:
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium money is additional funding given to us by the government to raise achievement for children who receive Free School Meals, are Looked After Children or whose parents are in the Armed Forces. There is also funding for children who have received Free School Meals in the last six years, but are no longer eligible.
How much do we get?
In the academic year 2021-2022 our allocation was £68,595. In the academic year 2022-2023 our allocation was £85,870. Please see our plan for spending this money below.
What do we use the money for?
Pupil Premium money can be used for a variety of purposes in order to raise achievement or to provide equal opportunity of access to the curriculum. At Seal we use Pupil Premium money to finance actions with a proven track record of improving pupil progress. We measure the impact of these actions by analysing the progress of pupil premium students in the areas we have supported. Here are some key examples of how we may spend this money:
1. Employing a school counsellor to work with children to develop their emotional well being so that they are ready to learn. Please see either the Headteacher, or Deputy Headteacher if you think your child would benefit from this service.
2. Purchasing the reading programme Accelerated Reader in order for children to learn to track their own reading progress and ensure every child is reading within their indivdual ZPD range.
3. Purchasing a very substantial quantity of reading books in order to ensure that a range of quality books are available for targeted children of all levels.
4. Subsidising educational trips for specific individuals to ensure equal access to the curriculum
In the previous academic year, our Pupil Premium allocation was spent on staffing reading interventions, developing reading provision including Accelerated Reader, our school counsellor, our Wellbeing Lead, and subsidising educational visits.
Pupil Premium Funding is funding given to schools by the Government to support the progress of pupils vulnerable to under-achievement as identified by the Government, such as:
Children entitled to Free School Meals or those who have been entitled in the last 6 years (Ever 6);
Children of Armed Service Personnel.
Pupil Premium Plus Funding (a higher rate of pupil premium funding) is given to schools to support:
Looked After Children;
Children who have been adopted since 2008;
Children with a Special Guardianship Order or residence order.
The amount of money the school receives, is based on the number of pupils eligible. The money is used to fund initiatives that will help those pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially.
The ‘Looked-after Children Pupil Premium Grant’ is centrally pooled and managed by the Virtual School to support our looked-after children through both County and school based projects and through a wide range of additional support strategies to meet individual needs. This money does not come into school.