Wild Beach 

Wild Beach Curriculum

The community our school proudly serves is based on the coast and the beach is a large part of many of our families lives: through work, play or volunteering as lifeboat crew. We feel it is hugely important that our children understand this element of their community and so we have developed a Wild Beach curriculum which is central to what makes Seal a special place to learn and weaves through the school year for every class, underpinning some of our most exciting work. Our Wild Beach units of work see our children visiting the beach weekly to learn about marine life, geographical features, the history of the lifeboat crews, finding out about people who work on the sea, or using the beach as a stimulus for art or writing.

As well as using the beach for this range of curriculum areas, our Wild Beach goes even further and helps children develop life skills, such as determination, teamwork, problem solving and grit, through a range of 'survival skills' aimed at providing our children with a different take on a traditional school curriculum. Typical activities may include shelter building, knot tying, fire building, cooking, measuring tidal patterns and many other activities that use the natural resource of the beach to its fullest.

Waves on the beach
Cooking marshmallows

Wild Beach Parent Experts

As well as training all our staff on delivering the Wild Beach curriculum, we have developed a group of parent volunteers who are our Parent Experts Group. All volunteers are fully trained and DBS checked, and form a vital part in helping us delver this curriculum to our children, Once trained, parents volunteer to join our classes at the beach to lead groups through their learning. If you would like to join this groups of experts (no experience required, just lots of interest!), please contact Miss Bailey via the Welcome Office. 

Here are some examples of learning, in different curriculum areas, taking place at the beach:




Survival skills

