Year 5

Hello Year 5 children and grown-ups,

On this page you will find all the information you need to help you to access learning at home.

All children have got an individual login to access Google Classroom. These can be found in the home learning passports sent home with the children. If you have misplaced this please contact your child's class teacher on the year 5 email -

Here is a guide to support you to access google classroom and information on how to submit work to the teachers.

Google Classroom Guide

Your child will be set a mixture of assignments and quizzes to complete through Google Classroom. They will also be provided with links to recorded teaching, including videos from other websites and resources and live lessons.

We expect children to be logging on to Google Classroom to access their learning daily. The activities set by teachers each day will provide between 4 and 5 hours of teaching a day.

If you would like to explore learning beyond the expectations set on Google Classroom, here are some excellent websites.