School Uniform
Seal Primary Uniform
All of our pupils must wear school uniform. We are keen to promote our school by encouraging our children to wear their school uniform with pride.
Required Uniform
Black or grey trousers, tailored shorts or skirts
White shirt or polo shirt
Green gingham summer dress
Bottle green jumper or cardigan
Black, grey or white socks
White, grey or black tights
Black shoes or black ankle-boots (no fur or ugg boots)
Optional uniform / accessories:
In the Welcome Office we sell:
Book bags
PE bags
Water bottle
PE Kit:
Black shorts
Plain black, green or grey tracksuit bottoms (no large logos or designs, please)
Plimsolls and/or suitable outdoor trainers
PE T-shirt depending in the child’s team (red, blue, yellow, green)
Swimming Kit:
Swimming costume (no bikinis), trunks or shorts
Swimming cap
Items against the school uniform policy:
No jewellery please, except for small stud earrings
Where to purchase uniform
Parents can purchase school branded uniform items online from
All school non-branded uniform items are available online and in local retailers and stores
Secondhand uniform is available via the Friends of Seal (FOS) pre-loved uniform stall. Uniform is on sale once a month, but is available on request via the Welcome Office.
If parents cannot provide uniform for their child/ren due to financial constraints, they are encouraged to contact the school via the office team, senior leaders, pastoral leader or ACE tutors. The school will make every effort to support parents and carers to ensure that all children have access to appropriate uniform.