Home Learning

Please use the information on each of the subject tabs to help your child to continue learning at home. Each year group have created weekly learning grids which include Maths, Literacy, Reading and Foundation activities. These will be uploaded on a weekly basis under the Home Learning tab. Just keep in mind that this is a great opportunity for your children to help with the day-to-day running of your home for example, helping to make meals, cleaning, pet care. When learning at home make sure to plan breaks into the day and enjoy learning alongside your child. 

Home Learning statement from TKAT

 If you need to contact your child's class teacher then please use the following email addresses:

Reception – yearr@seal-tkat.org 

Year 1 – yearone@seal-tkat.org

Year 2 – yeartwo@seal-tkat.org

Year 3/4 – yearthreefour@seal-tkat.org

Year 5 – yearfive@seal-tkat.org

Year 6 – yearsix@seal-tkat.org