

At Pebsham Primary Academy we believe the well-being of staff and pupils is fundamental to the health of the whole school. Our aim is that all staff and children are more resilient, more focused, less stressed, more open and able to cope with life’s pressures together.

We have a clear Well-being Action Plan and have a school Mental Health and Well-being Champion on the Leadership Team. Our MHWB champion is Mrs Clement.

Some of the strategies (shown below) have already been implemented and we will be continually reviewing the impact of these practices.

We teach children about feeling good, being healthy and caring for themselves through our everyday teaching, circle times, PSHE and science lessons and through assemblies.

To support families and individual pupils, we have a linked keyworker. The keyworker supports pupils and their families, working together with the school. The keyworker can link parents to a variety of different agencies and support networks.


Every class has mindfulness sessions planned into their timetables. We often teach techniques through our assemblies as well.

Our staff are also learning mindful techniques as a self-help tool.

If you would like to find out more about why using mindful techniques is such a useful tool in schools, please follow this link :

Play Pod and Chill Out Zones

We have been collecting junk materials and will have Play Pod Mondays where children can use their creativity and imagination to play with the resources. This will help them to risk manage, collaborate and share.

The ‘Chill Out’ zone has activities that can be done in a quiet area such as reading, construction, writing or just chilling!

Worry Box

Each class has a worry box and children are encouraged to; ‘Give their Worries to the Whale’. These worries are then monitored by staff and discussed sensitively in the weekly circle time.

Circle Time

Classes all take part in ‘Circle Time’ where they can feel confident to share their feelings or thoughts without judgement and respecting each other’s views.

Circle Time gives each class time to discuss events and situations which may be tricky, it is also a time to celebrate kindness and friendships. Questions can be posed to make children think about situations. Games are played to improve communication and build relationships.

Physical Fitness

Each class, at Pebsham, has 2 hours of timetabled PE. Sports include: rounders, tennis, hockey, gymnastics, swimming, football, athletics and many more.

As part of the Hastings and Rother Sports Games Partnership, we are able to participate in many different tournaments against local schools. Last year we took part in tag-rugby, athletics, football and cross country.

We are part of the TKAT Academy Trust and are privileged to participate in the annual TKAT Games each summer. We join more than 40 other TKAT schools at a big national stadium to compete.

School Dinners

At Pebsham, we have a school Catering company called Chartwells providing our School Dinners. Chartwells cook hot and cold meals every day for pupils and staff at Pebsham. All meals are cooked on site and are served by the Chartwells staff. Children can choose their meal using an app called Parent Pay. Children are offered water or milk to drink with their school dinner. Menus are available on our website and are also sent home to ensure all pupils are clear about the menu choices for that term. School dinners are designed to meet the standards for schools set by the Food Standard Agency.

Packed lunches

We ask that you provide your child with healthy food options. Packed lunches should not contain sweets or chocolate. If they contain a sweet snack such as a biscuit, please monitor the amount given. Children may bring in a drink to have with their packed lunch. Water, a small amount of sugar-free squash, flavoured water or fruit juice may be drunk with packed lunches in the Hall.


All pupils in EYFS, Years 1 and 2 are offered fruit or vegetables as a snack in the morning. We encourage all pupils to bring in healthy snacks of fruit, vegetables or cereal bars for eating during the morning break.


At Pebsham, we ask that every pupil uses a school drinking bottle every day. Pupils will bring their bottles home each evening to ensure they are kept clean and hygienic. If a child’s bottle empties during the school day, they will be encouraged to fill it from the drinking water taps located in or near every classroom. Children will be encouraged to drink water in school.