

Mr Benton

Welcome from the Headteacher 

Welcome to Pebsham Primary Academy

We are sometimes asked why our school is special.  My answer is that we believe that every child in our school is important, every child should have the opportunity to learn and be happy at school, every child should feel safe and every child should have the opportunity to shine and as a school we aim to fulfil this and let every child shine!    

Our school curriculum is underpinned by our PRIDE Values; Perseverance, Respect, Independence, Diversity and Excellence. 

Outdoor learning and more specifically, beach learning play a pivotal part of our curriculum offer.  Our Beach Award Scheme, Seashore Explorers, is unique and supports this and children have the opportunity to earn six or more badges per year for their Explorer sash.  Please look at the curriculum page to find out a little more.  

We are very proud of our Pebsham pupils. They work hard and are determined to do their personal best in everything.  Our Wellbeing Champions, made up of pupils from each year group, make a huge difference to our School, ensuring that the children all contribute to our school development and that every pupil, through our Wellbeing Champions, has a voice which is heard and appreciated. 

If you have any questions about our school or would like to get in touch, please do so by emailing office@pebsham-tkat.org or calling us on 01424 215175.