Our Curriculum 

Our curriculum model aims to reach every pupil within the school and balances the acquisition of knowledge with the development of key skills. It excites, inspires and motivates our pupils and staff, giving learning an engaging context whilst promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We are dedicated to providing children with relevant, diverse and engaging experiences and opportunities which allows them to find their passion. Integral to Pebsham is our learning outside the classroom and Seashore Explorers curriculum - we believe that children learn best when they can relate to it and it means something to them. We ensure that our children learn and know about the important role they can play in shaping their own futures and that they can make a difference. 

Our long term plan shows what topics are being covered over the course of the year in each subject area. This ensures that all National Curriculum objectives are being covered. 

'You must be the change you wish to see in the world' Mahatma Gandhi


We intend our curriculum to support the Trust's ambition that we 'inspire learners and change lives'. We want to provide children with the best possible education. At the heart of our curriculum is the belief that all children can make a difference. The children learn about a diverse range of influential people throughout history to the modern day, how the world has changed over time and what their role could be in making the changes needed for our world to continue to thrive and for the human race to survive. Central to this is our learning outside the classroom and beach curriculum which ensures children have valuable, real life experiences which they can use in their lives moving forward. Ultimately, our aim is to provide the children with the knowledge, passion and power they need to be the change our world needs. 


Our pedagogical model provides a consistent approach to teaching and learning in our classrooms. We ensure that all our classrooms are effective learning environments and that they promote independent learning. Our knowledge rich curriculum is underpinned by high quality resources, exceptional texts and  engaging and relevant topics. We take the children outside to learn whenever we can. English is taught through Talk for Writing and Maths is taught through Mathematics Mastery,  with empirical mathematical props used every lesson. Teachers consistently use hiqh quality adaptive and inclusive practice to ensure that all children achieve good outcomes.  


It is our aim for all children to have a deeper understanding of the world around them and to become responsible and caring citizens of the future by knowing more and remembering more. We ensure that all learning is purposeful and linked to children's own experiences so they are engaged, challenged and become highly effective problem solvers and communicators. We make sure that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed  to make a difference and be the change our world and future needs.