
Our vision at Pebsham is to provide a high quality mathematics education that fosters deep understanding, enthusiasm and confidence in mathematics for all our pupils. Through a well structured and ambitious mastery curriculum, we aim to equip all our pupils with the mathematical knowledge and skills necessary for future success, both academically and in their everyday lives. 

At Pebsham we teach mathematics through Mathematics Mastery (Ark Curriculum +) and Mastering Number at Reception and KS1, and Mastering Number at KS2 (NCETM). We teach daily maths lessons (1 hour) and separate maths meetings (15-20 minutes daily) 

From year 1 to year 6 our daily maths lessons all follow the same 6-part lesson structure

This allows plenty of opportunity to revisit prior learning, discuss ideas and work independently. Teachers can assess understanding throughout and adapt teaching to support all learners.

We aspire to make every child a problem solver through our three principles known as the ‘dimensions of depth’

 Principle 1. Conceptual Understanding

Mathematics tasks are about constructing meaning and making sense of relationships. Learners deepen their understanding by representing concepts using objects, pictures, symbols and words. Manipulatives are available in all classrooms throughout the school and are used daily to support children's understanding and enable children to show and explain their thinking. All children are given plenty of

Principle 2: Language and Communication

Mathematical language strengthens conceptual understanding by enabling pupils to explain and reason. Talk is an essential element of every lesson and time is dedicated to developing confidence with specific vocabulary as well as verbal reasoning. We want all children to develop confidence in the language, signs and symbols of mathematics. Talk tasks are part of every lesson to help with this development.

Principle 3: Mathematical Thinking

By the time they reach school, all pupils have demonstrated a significant range of innate ways of thinking that can be harnessed in the classroom to develop mathematical thinking. We use questions and sentence stems to encourage children to think like mathematicians- To organise, classify, explain, convince, conjecture and generalise.

Maths Meetings 

These are a vital part of our daily maths provision and are a fun, lively, interactive way to support children’s mathematical fluency.We sing songs and play games alongside areas such as calendar maths, shape and time to ensure these areas are revisited often. The Mastering Number Programme in EYFS and Key stage 1 is used during this time to strengthen understanding of number and fluency with number facts. In Years 4 and 5 Mastering Number at KS2 focuses on multiplicative relationships and supports the learning of times tables and related facts. We understand at Pebsham that fluency with, and understanding of, number is crucial to future success. 

Alongside our curriculum provision we use Times tables Rock Stars and Numbots to support children’s recall of core facts and all children are given a log in when they start at Pebsham and encouraged to utilise these programs both at school and home.