Safeguarding in our Curriculum

Safeguarding and the promotion of British Values is central to our work at Pebsham Primary Academy. We plan to constantly challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their own personal physical and mental wellbeing.  

Priority on identifying opportunities in the structured and unstructured curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding is core to our school.

Our unique curriculum and values give pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire resilience, knowledge, understanding and skills that significantly impact on personal development, behaviour, welfare and safety and equips every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding.

Our outdoor learning offers a unique opportunity to learn about safety in our locality including understanding risks.

Our PSHE curriculum covers many different areas of Safeguarding including RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), drugs and alcohol education, anti-bullying, healthy relationships, citizenship and health education.  We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects need to be taught at an age appropriate level, or at a small group or 1:1 level where a more urgent need arises.

Safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum, for example: 

Click the link to see how else we teach our children about safeguarding. 

Online Safety

It is really important that we keep our staff, pupils and families safe online. Every class is taught about online safety and we regularly hold events to further raise awareness.  We run workshops for parents to update them about how to keep children safe online and send leaflets and ideas home to further support our families.  We also run Online Safety assemblies for our pupils and take part in national events and days such as 'Safer Internet day'. 

At Pebsham Primary Academy we use the Safer Schools App.  Safer Schools supports our staff, pupils and school community, providing up-to-date online safety safeguarding information.  It is designed to support and protect children by educating and empowering them both at school and at home.  Through the logins, pupils can receive information that is relevant to them and parents will receive tips and advice on how to keep children safer online.

Here are some tips for: 

Staying safe online:

Staying safe on your mobile

What to do if you're being bullied online?

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors