If you are concerned about any Safeguarding issues, please come and speak to one of our Safeguarding Leads.   We currently have 5 trained Designated Safeguarding Leads: 

Mrs Jessup 

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr Benton

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 


Miss Stapley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Mrs Willis

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Supporting our Pupil Premium families

Miss Stapley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

At Pebsham our ACE Tutor (A Champion for Every Child) is Miss Stapley.  Miss Stapley's role is to support all of our Pupil Premium children and their families. She communicates with the families and pupils regularly and supports any barriers to school or learning that may face our pupils.  She makes referrals to support families with areas such as safeguarding, attendance, academic issues, behaviour, medical needs and many more areas. Miss Stapley discusses children's hopes and ambitions and sets small goals to help them on their journey.

Our Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Morgan

Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Morgan

Our Safeguarding link Governors is Mrs Wendy Morgan.  Part of her role is to challenge our procedures and policies, ensuring that we are effectively safeguarding all of our pupils.  

Staff, Visitors and Volunteers

Mrs Baker

Single Central Record Manager

Mrs Baker

At Pebsham Primary Academy, we have a Single Central Record (SCR) to ensure all staff and volunteers have the required checks and certificates. Our Single Central Record Manager is Mrs Baker. She keeps this record updated and ensures all of the  necessary qualifications and documents are in place.

We have a range of volunteers who help us in our day to day school life, for example listening to readers, supporting in maths or helping us with our curriculum, especially when we are out and about on trips.  

All of our volunteers have taken part in a risk assessment interview with a member of the DSL team and are asked to provide ID and references. Volunteers undertake a DBS check as part of our safeguarding procedures. 

Visitors and Volunteers will have their ID checked and will be required to sign in and out at the School Office.  Each visitor or volunteer will be given a lanyard of a selected colour to show their movement around the school.  Staff wear a different lanyard.  Any visitors in school must be wearing the correct lanyard and will be asked to leave the school site if this cannot be produced and verified.