Learning outside the classroom

At Pebsham, we feel that learning can take place anywhere!  We like to find opportunities to learn beyond and outside of the classroom. 

Learning outside the classroom, examples - 

Tiny Street, Role-play For Tiny Feet!

Our Starfish class were visited by Tiny Street, role-play for tiny feet.  This was an incredible way of supporting role play for our EYFS children.  They brought a garage, a vet, a tea shop, a stable and may more role play areas. 

A Healthy chocolate Tea Party

A group of Year 4 pupils visited Tesco with their planned shopping list.  They took their ingredients and baked for a healthy chocolate tea party and invited some staff members to join them as a 'thank you'.

The London Eye Mystery

Year 6 visited London and went on the London Eye.  Their trip linked in with the class text 'The London Eye Mystery'.  The class enjoyed their trip and the experience of seeing the London landmarks.

Woodland Visit with a Forest School

Year 3 visited the Bexhill Highwoods as part of their topic learning.  The class were accompanied by a Forest School Lead from Ore Village Primary.  They all had a fantastic day.

The Beach, the  Moon and the Tide

Year 5 visited our local beach to learn about the moon and its effect on the tide.  They also completed their 'Kindness Stones' beach badge, hiding their rocks and messages for others to find.


Circus Visit

Year 2 were visited by Splats and learned lots of new circus skills. They had a great time spinning plates, getting creative with scarves and balancing peacock feathers. 

Author visit into school

Years 3,4,5 and 6 were visited by a children's author.  They found out about being an author and how to publish books.

Cross Country event

Some of our KS2 children participated in the second round of a Cross Country challenge. Well done to all the children who took part on a particularly cold day!

History Day

We had great fun today dressing up and learning about our different history topics. There were dinosaurs, astronauts, aliens, firefighters, Egyptians, Greeks, Victorians and Evacuees. 

Year 5 Tudor day

Year 5 had their own Tudor Banquet during their hook day. The children dressed up as Tudors and also made Tudor wafer biscuits.

Year 4 Roman day 

Year 4 had a great day creating their own Roman shields and creating their own Roman battle formations. The children looked fantastic in their costumes. 

World Book Day 

World Book Day was a great success. Here, some year 6 children are sharing stories with a reception child during the 'booknic'. Everyone looked incredible in their costumes. 

Year 6 beach trip 

Year 6 had a lovely time at the beach in the glorious sun. They completed their stone skimming and inukshuk beach badges. 

Year 4 beach trip

Year 4 had a visit to the beach and completed their noughts and crosses, yoga and sundials badges. It was a cloudy day but they still had a great time!

Science Week

Year 4 made and launched their own rockets during Science Week. They experimented with how much vinegar they would need to make the rocket travel higher. 

Year 5 Clean Seas beach trip

Year 5 visited the beach with Andy from Clean Seas. They learned about how to keep our beach clean and a safe place for everyone. Whilst they were there they also completed their 'art on a stone' and 'compass' beach badges. 

Year 2 trip to Drusillas 

Year 2 have been learning about Rainforests and visited Drusillas to spot some animals which might live there. They had a great time and wrote a recount of their trip when they returned to school. 

Year 3 Beach trip

Year 3 had a fantastic time at the beach even though it was incredibly windy! They flew their kites that they had made and danced their Bollywood dance to complete their 'kite' and 'dancing on the beach' badges. 

Jubilee Day!

We had a brilliant time celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. All the children came dressed in their best clothes to meet the Queen and made bunting and crowns for their afternoon tea which we had out on the playground.

Looking for plants and flowers 

Year 1 used our school grounds to look for plants and flowers to help with their Science learning. They used a key to help them name them. 

Stone rhythms and natural objects 

Year 2 had a lovely time at the beach today. They completed their stone rhythm and natural object beach badges. They had great fun making music on the stones!