Contact Us

Appointments can be made to see class teachers or members of the Senior Leadership Team via the Office. Please bear in mind that the beginning and end of the school day are likely to be busy times for the teaching staff.

The Headteacher and teaching staff are always willing to talk to parents, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you require a paper copy of a policy or any information on our website, please contact the school office.

If you want any further information on anything you see on this website or you want to ask us about anything to do with the school we are willing to share, host visits and talk to you.

 Find us

Get in touch 


Ore Village Primary Academy 

Rye Road, 


TN35 5DB

 Telephone: 01424 422979


School Secretary: Kim Pierce

SENCo: Mr Stephen Tippett

Telephone: 01424 422979


Chair of Governors: Wendy Morgan
