
Ore Village Primary Academy is an academy as part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT).

TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st September 2010. Its constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation. TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies.

View the Scheme of delegation 

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.

View the Directors of the TKAT Board 

View Governance information relating to TKAT - including the structure of governance and relevant details about the Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests.

View key documents including Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts.

Ore Village Primary Academy's Local Governing Body (LGB)

Structure & Mission Statement

We, the governors, are a diverse group of people from a range of backgrounds, including education, business and the civil service. Although some governors have considerable experience in the role, the team itself was formed very recently, and we are committed to developing our skills and knowledge.


We currently have 7 governors:

Please click here to view our constitution

Chair of Governors: Julian van Kan, an appointed governor

Vice Chair:  Rachel Ward, an appointed governor

We meet as a Local Governing Body six times a year; this will enable all board members to gain experience of all aspects of governance. 

We aim to support the school to attain our vision - where every child receives an education which provides opportunities, develops their resilience and expands their minds and ambitions. We monitor the standards achieved and ensure that finances are well spent. We are not paid, but can claim expenses for some activities.

We meet as a Local Governing Body, independent of the TKAT Board of Directors, but accountable to TKAT for everything we do, and our main functions are to set the strategic direction for the Academy and to hold its leadership to account.

We visit the school regularly to monitor its progress and we ask challenging questions to ensure that the school is meeting the needs of all the children and providing an education that will enthuse and inspire them.  We regularly speak to children, parents and staff to find out their views.

There are three categories of Governor: ‘Appointed Governors’ are approved and appointed by TKAT; Parent Governors are elected by parents of pupils in the school; and Staff Governors are chosen by the school staff (both teaching and non-teaching staff). We also have a Clerk who is appointed by TKAT to co-ordinate and to keep records of our work, and to advise us on legal matters.

Being a school governor is a rewarding and fulfilling role; helping to provide a suitable, safe, and exciting environment for learning is critical to giving every child the chance they deserve.  If you would like to know more about us and our work, please take a look at our Governors' Handbook.

If you are interested in being a school governor or if you would like to speak to us at any time, please contact our Clerk, Jenny Old through our School Office on: 01424 422979 or by email:

A direct email for myself, Rachel Ward is

Rachel Ward (Chair)

Impact Statement

Please click here to view our Impact Statement for 2022-23 

Please click here to view our Impact Statement for 2021-22

Please click here to view our Impact Statement for 2020-21

Appointed Governors

Julian Van Kan

Chair of Governors, Link Governor - Safeguarding, Health & Safety and GDPR

Rachel Ward

Link Governor - 

Michael Peters

Link Governor - 

Janet Green

Link Governor - 

Mark Lynn

Link Governor - 


Jo Campbell

Headteacher, Ex-Officio Governor


Clerk to the Governors

Parent Governors

Staff Governors

Jolene Morgan

Link Governor - Behaviour and Attitudes



Ruth Gray

Link Governor - EYFS

Current Governors' Attendance 2022-23

& Declarations of Interest to 31st August 2023

Former Governors' Attendance  

& Declarations of Interest

Current Governors’ Attendance 2022-23 & Declarations of Interest to 31 August 2023 updated.pdf
Former Governors’ Attendance 2022-23 & Declarations of Interest to 31 August 2023.pdf