
Welcome to Dolphin Class

Hello, we are Dolphin Class, please see below all the wonderful topics and themes that we have been exploring this year. We love deepening our understanding of different topics by asking questions and having thoughtful class conversations.

As well as all the fantastic learning going on, we spend a lot of time focussing on our own wellbeing and how we can spread this positivity to others. Dolphin class love singing their weekly songs, going out for daily runs and focusing on being kind to others.

Term 1 - Digging up the Past

Racism. Childhood. Identity

This term we will be exploring the Anglo-Saxons. We will be learning where they have all come from in Europe and why they invaded England. We will understand what life was like for them in post-Roman Britain, and why they chose to settle where they did. We will explore their beliefs and ways of life, and decide whether we would trade our lives with an Anglo Saxon.

Anglo-Saxons 3 and 4.pdf
Term 1 curriculum newsletter (2).pdf

Term 6 - On Our Doorstep

Reality. Beauty. Equality

This term's whole school theme is 'On Our Doorstep. Living in Ore, we are lucky to live close to such a busy and exciting coastline. We will explore what our coastal town has to offer now, and back in the days of the smugglers. We will understand why Hastings was an attractive destination for smugglers, and what the pros were to breaking these laws. In Art and DT we will look at the fisherman and beach huts that Hastings is recognised for, and will make a collaborative installation across the whole of Year 3 and 4.

smugglers knowledge organiser (1).pdf
T6 curriculum newsletter.pptx

Term 5 - Our Planet and Us

Environment. Responsibility. Tolerance.

Welcome to term 5. This term Year 3 and 4 are focused on ‘Our Planet and Us’ and considering the concepts of responsibility, environment and tolerance. This will thread through all their learning, from their text in Talk4Writing to the whole school assemblies.

Over the term we will become animal rights activists. We will be looking at pollinators, what pollination is, and how many animals are pollinators. We will then learn about bees and how huge their impact is on our planet, even though they are tiny! We will understand how awful it would be for us all if the bees and the other pollinators were no longer doing their job, and the amount of variety of food and beauty we would lose. Later in the term we will then think about what we can all do to stop this from being the case, and putting our plans into action by making Ore Village Primary Academy a pollinator safe zone!

Tearm 5 curriculum newsletter.pdf
Endangered UK.pdf

Term 4 - What Makes Us Human?

Difference. Humanity. Human rights.

The Explorers newsletter.pdf

Term 3 - Events in History

Life. Death. Truth. Fairness.

Term 3 curricuclum newsletter.pdf

Term 1 - Digging Up the Past

Racism. Identity. Childhood.

Term 2 - World Around Us

Survival. Nature. Knowledge.