Inbox Management Tips

General requirements:                           

Residents are expected to check their electronic and paper in-baskets and respond to items in a timely manner (2-3 business days) at all times. 

If you are not available to check your paper in-basket (ICU, rural etc), please designate another resident to cover your paper in-basket for you. If you are on vacation, please designate another resident to cover both your electronic and paper in-baskets while you are away.

Upon obtaining coverage by a fellow coworker, it is recommended that you notify your MA team (both in person and by placing a note in your paper in-basket) as well as medical director of clinic so that any issues that may arise can be quickly sorted out on who is covering.

What to do if you have questions:

1.     For questions on which you don’t think you need assistance from an attending, but might have a question about management:

2.     For questions on which you need assistance from an attending:

How to cover someone’s Epic in-basket:

1.     Open your own in-basket

2.     Look for the button along the top row labeled “Attach in-Basket”

3.     In the top field, enter the last name of the resident you are covering, then click Accept

4.     When you close this screen, below your own in-basket you will see a section called “Attached In-Baskets” – this is where the other resident’s in-basket will show up, and you can click back and forth to your own in-basket.

5.     When the other resident no longer needs coverage, simply repeat the steps but delete their name from the list where you typed it in initially.

Helpful phone numbers:

Updated February 2024