Task 1

Create a New Adobe Illustrator or InDesign document (Choose custom, Width 610 mm, Height 820mm, 300 DPI) 

Now begin to explore sequencing possibilities, use the selections you made for 2.2, images you aren’t 100% confident about but think may have potential and images that you just like for some reason.

You might not have enough images at this stage to fill the whole board. This is to be expected. One or two sequences is your aim. It is also okay to have gaps in layout or work that needs improving.


See these Photo student examples for board 1 layouts for this part of the year. Remember your layouts will most likely be incomplete at this stage. You must expect to have many gaps and to shoot new developments of your ideas all the time. 

In pairs look at your work and discuss:

• Do the images I have chosen clearly introduce my idea/theme?

• Are my compositional concerns clearly evident?

• Are my technical concerns clearly evident?

• Does each image/ sequence serve a purpose being on the board? Or are some images repetitive or confusing to the overall reading of the board.


Always make sure your Photoshop / Illustrator / inDesign documents are set at 300dpi and all images you drag onto your documents are also 300dpi. (This can be found under "Image size" in photoshop if you are unsure)