Teacher Required E-Course

Duplicate the grid view of Zoom in Google Meet?

(See everyone at once during your virtual call)

Helpful tips at:

Chrome extension:

Take attendance of everyone in a Google Meet?

There is a Chrome extension which allows you to take attendance during a G Meet. While the directions may leave a little to be desired, it's supposed to put all of the people from your meet into a timestamped spreadsheet. I'm thinking it can help document which students met with you during your video discussion.


Create a G Meet code for a particular class in G Classroom?

Click on the gear icon in the upper right to get to my settings.

Click on the button "Generate Meet link" and the link is now generated

Click on the "Save" button in the upper right

When completed, you are taken back to the home screen for the class. Notice how the link is visible to the students?

This makes it available as needed. You can also elect to hide this from the Classroom home page. In the screenshot showing the generated Meet link, flip to switch on "Visible to students" to the left.

If you want to use the link for an assignment, you can select the triangle pointing down and copy the link in Settings and then paste the link into the assignment.

Create a Google Meet just for office hours?

This video was originally intended for FWISD students. I think that this how-to video could be helpful for our Jo Kelly parents that have never joined a Google meeting before.