PBIS Rewards

Program Overview: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support

Intended Users:

📁TPSS Resources in Google Drive

💡Teach Me How

Short Video Tutorials on specific topics of interest.

📺Professional Development Trainings

PD On-Demand: Pre Recorded Learning Sessions & Workshops

What is PBIS? How Do I get Started?

Behavior Specific Praise

Behavior Specific Praise meets two criteria:

1. The student behavior is observable (i.e., walking quietly in the hall)

2. The one giving praise tells the student how this behavior affects them (i.e., "I feel" statements)

Buy Back Instructional Time

"Efficient routines and procedures can net you up to an additional 15 minutes per day for teaching. Over the course of a school year, those 15 additional minutes will add up to 45 hours."

Click the picture above to read more about each tier. Scroll down to find Tiers of Implementation.

Tiers of Implementation

PBIS uses a three-tier approach. Each of these three tiers has applications to a specific subset of students.

Tier 3 - Few students

Tier 2 - Some students

Tier 1 - Most Students

Where can I find Resources for Teachers and Admins?

Log into PBIS on your computer.

Click on the Help button at the top right corner. This page is filled with resources with step by step directions and videos to help you navigate the website.

Building Relationships

Building Positive Teacher-Student Relationships

A typical day in the classroom can involve many activities, but among the most important is building positive student-teacher relationships. A teacher who takes the time to engage with students reaps the benefits of increased cooperation in the classroom.


Incentives are a great way to engage your students and create excitement for your PBIS rewards program.