

TPSS Resources - Teacher Tools - Google - Docs


Hyperdocs are online documents rich in hyperlinks to other documents, images, websites, text and video. They can be used to enhance classroom instruction and promote self-paced learning. Hyperdocs are the perfect way to guide the learning process of your students in a digital setting, especially when students have access to Chromebooks.

Hyperdocs How To
Intro to Hyperdocs in Math
Going Places with Google Maps (4)

Steps to Build a Hyperdoc Lesson

Step #1: Determine Objectives   


Step #2: Determine Cycle of Learning  

What specific steps will students follow?


Step #3: Packaging


Step #4: Determine Workflow


Step #5: Design

Think, "How can I make this content engaging for students?"   

How-To Create a HyperDoc

Essential Google Drive Elements to Create Hyperdocs

There are a few basic Google Skills that you will need to understand in order to effectively build and use Hyperdocs with your students.

1. Access the basic Google Docs and Slides apps

2. Change the page size if using Google Slides

3. Change background color of a Google Doc or Slide (tutorial)

4. Inserting text, text boxes, images, tables, & videos into Google Docs or Slides

5. Format text and tables for color interest

6. Add more fonts to Google Docs and Slides for variety

7. Create hyperlinks in Google Docs or Slides

8. Create bookmarks in a Google Doc or Slide

9. Organize your files in Drive for easy location of documents

10. Adjust share settings of the files (so that students will be able to access the work)

11. Force "Make A Copy" in Google Docs and Slides

12. Plan on how to distribute and assign the work to your students (we use Oncourse Classroom in our parish) 


Evaluating Your Hyperdoc

Is this a HyperDoc or a digital worksheet? Ask yourself the following:

1. Does your lesson follow a specific lesson design? These templates will help with your structure.

2. Did you include the 4 C's in your lesson? Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creation?

3. What level of critical thinking and technology did you integrate? Is this a simple recall task or does this push your student's thinking? Is it substitution or is the technology used transforming the learning?

What differentiates a really good HyperDoc from just an average learning activity? What is the big picture? What are your goals?



Hyperdoc Lesson Templates

The most simple form of a hyperdoc is to use the Google Docs app to create a lesson outline. Within the outline, the teacher will include hyperlinks to outside sources for the students to engage with the content.

Some of the links may include:

National Parks Hyperdoc gr3
Digital Citizenship Superhero HyperDoc (Grades 2-5)
Hyperdoc: Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Hero's Journey Template
Basic HyperDoc Lesson Plan Template
5 E's Lesson Plan Template
Math 4 Review Game Board-G. Pacada
Google Maps Intro HyperDoc (with Padlet)- G. Pacada
Copy of Characteristics of Organisms HyperDoc Choice Board

Animal Behavior - Project Board

Grade 3

Respiration and Photosynthesis.5 E's Lesson Plan
Creating Animal Reports with ThingLink
50 States.Digital Road Trip
Hopes and Dreams HyperDoc

Hopes and Dreams HyperDoc

Planning Active Learning for K-12


Scientific Method HyperDoc
Copy of Google Slides Superhero Training!

Gsuite EDU Training - Hyperdocs

Hyperdoc Lessons by Subject - PD

Eric Carle Author Study

HyperDoc Blogs, Sites, and Ideas

Browse through some of the online resources below to gather ideas on how to make Hyperdocs work for you!

HyperDocs Hangouts on Air

Other Applications

There are many practical applications for using Hyperdocs to make your classroom connections even more grand!

Basic Hyperdoc Classroom Applications