Special Education

Ms. Crane & Ms. Nupp - Special Education Teachers:

The Resource Room provides TIER III supports for students identified through the Committee of Special Education and through the building level MTSS process.  

Student-centered opportunities that encourage approaches to learning that foster diversity, curiosity, and a healthy appetite for learning are designed. Students engage in inquiry based experiences that build skills necessary to advance their learning, encourage open mindedness, and connect students’ to themselves, their communities, and society. Students are empowered to develop their academic and social - emotional well being, as well as, facilitate learning experiences for themselves and their peers. 


As Special Education Teachers, we participate in Kindergarten Screening and are members of the building MTSS Problem Solving Team.

We welcome you to Walt Whitman and look forward to working with you and your children!

Ms. Crane

Ms. Nupp

Ms. Steinberg

Learning Center

Lisa Steinberg is the Developmental Learning Teacher at Walt Whitman. Ms. Steinberg is a Reading Specialist who supports students in developing their reading, writing and mathematics skills through our Learning Center model.  Students who attend Learning Center benefit from the research-based interventions that are provided in a small group setting during the school day.  Ms. Steinberg works collaboratively with teachers, parents and school service providers to support the growth and development of the students at Walt Whitman.   Ms. Steinberg helps coordinate school wide assessments and looks forward to meeting you and your children at Kindergarten Screening! 

Speech Language

Denise Garabedian is the Speech Therapist at Walt Whitman. Ms. Garabedian helps children improve their ability to understand and use language as they work on a variety of different skills, including following directions, vocabulary skills, and social skills, among many others!  She also works with children who are having difficulty producing certain developmentally appropriate sounds, so that they can be better understood by their teachers and peers. Speech usually occurs in a small group of no more than five children. You will definitely be notified if your child is selected to take part in the speech and language program. Ms. Garabedian also goes into the kindergarten classrooms once a week to work on listening and social skills with the whole class.  She is also a member of the building's MTSS Problem Solving Team.

Ms. Garabedian

English as a New Language (ENL)

Debra Duckworth is the ENL teacher at Walt Whitman.  ENL stands for English as a New Language. Mrs. Duckworth works with students who have been identified as multilingual learners.  ENL focuses on developing students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English. Mrs. Duckworth is also a member of the building's MTSS Problem Solving Team and helps coordinate schoolwide assessments. 

School Psychologist

Dr. Giovanna Raspanti is the school psychologist.  Dr. Raspanti works directly with children, collaborates with teachers, and consults with parents/guardians to support the academic, social, and emotional learning of our students.  She conducts evaluations of individual students to help identify disabilities, and is a member of the building's MTSS Problem Solving Team, and helps coordinate schoolwide assessments.  Dr. Raspanti also serves as chairperson of CSE, SubCSE, and Section 504 meetings. 

The following links may serve as helpful resources for parents of students transitioning into kindergarten, as well as anyone who may be looking to engage their child(ren) in discussions about their feelings and emotions. 

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Stefanie Byrne is the occupational therapist at Walt Whitman Elementary School. School-based occupational therapy is a related service that uses meaningful activities and adaptations to help support children with their independence and participation in school. Areas addressed include fine motor skills, visual perception, gross motor skills, sensory processing, and more, as they relate to a child’s development and school functioning.

Occupational therapy may be provided through individual or group pull-out treatment sessions in the therapy room, or a push-in classroom session to those who are classified as a student with a disability. During OT sessions, children participate in fun and engaging exercises and activities that are individualized and chosen to build upon their skills and assist them in reaching their goals. Through the MTSS process, consultations, screenings or treatment sessions may also be provided to any of the students at Walt Whitman as a building level support to facilitate learning through skill acquisition or task/environmental modifications that enhance function within the classroom. In the Fall, Kindergarteners are also provided with weekly whole class lessons to aid in developing skills such as writing, cutting, and using manipulatives.

Ms. Byrne

Mr. Imbrogno

Social Worker

Matthew Imbrogno is the school social worker at Walt Whitman. Mr. Imbrogno helps support the social, emotional and academic needs of our students. He is available to assist families and connect them with resources in the school and community. Mr. Imbrogno provides individual and group counseling to students. He also conducts classroom presentations centered around social emotional learning. Mr. Imbrogno works closely with building staff to ensure students' needs are being met. He is a member of the building's MTSS Problem Solving Team.