Google Folder Organization

Where can I find my Induction folder?

  • You will find your Induction folder in your Google Drive "Shared With Me" by typing into the search bar: "FirstName_LastName_Induction."

  • Once you find it, you should right-click then select "Add shortcut to Drive."

  • Another way to give yourself easy access is to right-click then select "Add to Starred." Both of these tips will help you to find your folder easily when you go to Google Drive.

What should be in my Induction folder?

  • You will have one ILP document in your folder. This copy has already been created specifically for you, so you should edit this document.

  • You should add the following documents: Induction Agreements, CSTP Self-Assessment, CSTP Placemat, Mentor Observation Form, and Candidate Task Tracker.