Tinker Time

What do I do with a Tinker Time Kit?

Setup a system in your class for using kits.  This slide deck is an example you could use if you chose to.

Tinker Time Class Schedule

When you get a new kit...

New kits arrive in your class every two weeks throughout the year.  Except for the start of each term where you will have a kit for three weeks.

These kits have a laminated QR code in them for teachers and another one for students.  You can Scan the QR codes to get information about the kit and how to use it.  The links below will take you to the teacher information pages about the kits.

These kits don't have a QR code in them.  Click the link to get to teacher information about these kits.

What is it?

Tinker time is a chance for students to 'tinker', have a go at using a resource kit on their own or in small groups.  

The aim of Tinker Time is for students to do the finding out, problem-solving, discovering, failing and succeeding with little or no teacher intervention.  

Some teacher reminders and guidance might be needed to encourage students to give things a go and ensure kits are well looked after.  

The teacher resource links below and the Tinker Time links on the student landing page have explanations on what is in each kit and how it might be used in the classroom.  They also have ideas for challenges and provocations for students.

Tinker Time at SHS

Hands on learning via Tinker Time

Current Timetable

Tinker Time resources are collected by TeXperts and new resources are returned to your classroom on the same day.  This usually occurs on a Thursday.  

Tinker Timetable 2023