Green Box Resources

What is it?

Essentially it's a green screen in a box. It's designed to allow students to create their own short green screen movies using their own characters. This kit has been developed to use with DoInk - Green Screen and DoInk - Animation iPad apps.

What is in the kit? What do I need?

In the kit you'll find:

  • iPad with DoInk Green Screen and Animation pre installed
  • iPad charger
  • Two green pizza boxes
  • Two large pieces of green paper
  • A few toys that can be used as characters and/or part of the scene
  • wooden skewers that can be attached to green paper to make 'puppet' like green screen characters

You'll need to provide:

  • Classroom iPad (optional)
  • Printed characters that students can decorate and/or they can create their own
  • Green paper for creating puppet characters
  • Sellotape for attaching skewers to characters
  • Scissors for cutting characters out so they don't have a white border
  • Flat surface to stand pizza boxes on

Links to characters you can print out

Many of these print 1 per page so you'll need to reduce the size of them to make them work with the Green Box

Bugs Colouring pages - click here

Dinosaur Colouring pages - click here

Fruit Colouring Pages - click here

Vegetable Colouring Pages - click here

Reptiles & Amphibian Colouring pages - click here

Colouring Pages for Kids - click here

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