Sphero Bolt Resources

What is it?

A waterproof spherical robot that can be controlled by a device - it can be driven and/or coded.

We have a singular Sphero Bolt in our Tinker Time kits

We have a classroom kit of Sphero Bolts for use when students come to visit Mrs Lee in the Exploration Station. These are usually used with year 5-6 students.

What is in the kit? What do I need?

In the kit you'll find:

  • iPad & charger with Sphero EDU app installed

  • Sphero Bolt & Charger

  • Sphero Cover (use when working with Sphero outside)

  • Sphero compass (helps with direction)

  • Quick start Guide

  • Ramp

You'll need to provide:

  • Space for students to use the robot - while Sphero is very robust please prevent large drops from tables and other structures

  • Sphero can be used outside with the protective cover on

  • Sphero can also be programmed using Chromebooks. Students will need to install the Sphero EDU Chrome extension to do this

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