Tinker Time Setup & Use

Ideas from Teachers

This is an image that links to a JamBoard. Staff members can add their own ideas to this Jambaord by selecting the appropriate tool on the left hand side of the board.

The square with lines inside it adds a sticky note. Once you've typed your note hit SAVE to add it to the board. You can then type another note or just click cancel to go back to viewing the board.

If you want to move around the board or modify the size of your sticky note click the arrow and with black circle behind it on the left hand side.

To modify the size of your sticky or where it is positioned click and drag it to a new position or use the blue handles to resize it.

What Next?

Many of our learners have had access to Tinker Time Kits for more than a year. We also have some very tech savvy learners who might need a few extra challenges to engage with the kits.

  • You might encourage these learners to share their knowledge with others in the classroom
  • Have they earned a TeXpert badge related to the kit? Why not direct them to the TeXpert site and encourage them to earn a level 1, 2 and/or 3 badge?
  • Tinker Time kits don't have to stand in isolation they can also be used as responses to learning happening in the classroom for example:
    • Creating maps and models of learning and having a robot follow a path through the map, or a person tapping on a particular place in a model to get an explanation of the learning the student has done. You could look at videoing this happening and explaining at each stop what the robot is seeing or scanning QR code that links to another resource the student has created.