Photography Resources

What is it?

The photography tinker time kit is designed to allow students to have a go with a digital camera and to start improving some of their photography skills. Year 4-6 students may also like to use processing applications to further enhance their photos.

A digital camera might seem outdated with the ability to take photos on a smartphone, however the learning involved in taking photos applies to both smartphones & digital cameras. It also means you don't have to give students your phone to use.

What is in the kit? What do I need?

In the kit you'll find:

  • digital camera with SD card (storage card)
  • USB cable for transferring photos to another device
  • rechargeable batteries
  • battery charger
  • Coming soon - Microsope lens for iPads

You'll need to provide:

  • Space for students to take photos - you might like to give students an area where they can take photos outside if the weather permits
  • Props for students to use in photos if required
  • Another device to transfer images to - this could be a classroom Chromebook
  • A classroom iPad if you want to use the microscope lens

Help Files

Photography for kids

Wealth of information about areas of photography you can teach children about

13 Lessons to teach kids about Photography

More ideas about photography with children

Provocations / Challenges for Students

Photography Challenges