Foundations of Art

Independent project. 

In general, my time in Foundations of Art was positive. I encountered a lot of new difficulties while also learning a lot of new artistic methods. Additionally, I gained a lot of insight into my skills and flaws as an artist. I'd say that during the course of the year, my artistic abilities and knowledge increased.   

The idea of creating something unique for my work was something I found to be quite difficult.  I always work to distinguish my work by giving it a distinct quality.  Additionally, I make an effort to make everything unique to me personally and particularly, though it can be more difficult with some projects than others.  The process of coming up with an artist statement for each of my projects is another thing I find difficult.  Copying down my method is a little challenging for me because I often don't go through a lot of thinking before doing things.  It might also be challenging to recognize my artwork since sometimes it doesn't have a clear message of what I was trying to do.  

What I am most proud of was also the most difficult.  I am pretty happy with how I was able to use my career to find a way to have a creative outlet.  Additionally, I'm glad of how many new materials I was able to use and how well I did it.  I had no idea that there were so many diverse materials and methods that could have such a profound impact on your artwork. Additionally, I completed several works. I generally have trouble managing my time, so I am pleased with myself that I got everything done. 

I want to stay up with my work and put a lot of imagination into practice this summer and in the future. Before foundations, I would occasionally sketch on my own, thus some of my drawings could appear better now. Additionally, I'd want to come up with some other, novel methods to use the materials. Additionally, I'd like to attempt to create some more photorealistic drawings that appear to be paintings. In order to maintain my artistic side and avoid losing any abilities, I would like to acquire other methods.