zoomed shoe


For this drawing I used pencils, watercolors, pastels and a tortillion.

The story behind this drawing is my exchange year in America. I drew both the american and the spanish flag to represent both countries, my tho "homes". What I want to express in this painting is the stress and sadness that its causing me but also the happinnes of having two diffrent places I now call my home. I drew a girl crying to represent how it feels like, because it feels like half of me isn't here, and it'll feel the same once I go back, because I will be missing my "american home".

To create this proyect, I started by drawing the zoomed shoe, which are the black lines in sharpie. After, I sketched out the girl's face and the flags. Then I used blue tape to cover the margin so the watercolors didn't go everywhere. I used watercolors to color in both flags and the background, then I used pastels to make shades on the flags. Then I used a 6B pencil over the drawing of the girl to make it darker.


For the second one we werer required to use our 3 view shoe and choose one to zoom in, and zoomed in 3 times more. It was cool because we had to focus on getting the details right and we couldn´t shade to make it look more realistic which was hard but fun at the same time. For this drawing all I used was an HB pencil, a ruler and an eraser.