color graph prints

For this project I used cardboard, a hot glue gun and acrilic red paint. I used the website provided and I printed the picture and cut it out to then trace it on a cardboard. Once I had traced it, I cut that out and glued it to another piece of cardboard. Then I used liquid white glue to coat it and so the paper won't get stuck to it after putting the paint. For the first print all I did was go over it with a pencil and because of the layers you can see the pettern. Then with red acrilic and a paint brush i went over the face only. I made two prints from it, one full color and a ghost print. I used the one with more paint to draw more because I really liked the ghost print and I didn't want to mess it up.

For this project I used a picture of Colin because I like how it's his side profile and I thought it'd be cool for the project. Because he's sideways the shape is nice and clean to make prints from. I also wanted to do something for him and I thought this project was cool. I thought it'd turn out better but it's not too bad. I had trouble with the glue because even though I coated it the paper would rip everytime I tried to make the prints. I had to coat it like 10 times until it worked but it turned out ok.

For the one we had to add to it I used a black sharpie and I drew an asimetrical face without lifting the sharpie. To be honest I don't know why, but I was wearing similar earrings and I thought it'd look cool. I also outlined the print because I thought it'd look better.