assemblage sculpture

I made a 30x20cm sculpture of a butterfly

The materials I used for this sculpture were a caordboard, tin foil, thread, a paper clip, and cut outs from magazines. First I traced a butterfly on a box of. cereal and I cut it out. Then I used tin foil to give it volume. I made balls of tin foiled and used a hot glue gun to stick it to the cardboard. I did the same with the body of the butterfly. Then I used the hot gun to glue the thead to the body. Once it was dry I opened a paper clip and used it as the anthens of the butterfly. For the wings I was originally going to cut CD's to make it look like mirrors, but it was vey hard to cut and they shattered. So I decided to use magazine cut outs to give it some color.

The butterfly wasn't on my original sketches but I remembered than when I first got to Maine it was very shicking because I come from a big citie where we barely have any green and when I got to Maine it was all so beautiful and I remember taking pictures of flowers and nature and there were pretty butterflies. When I think of Maine I think of nature and the first animal that comes to mind is a butterfly I don't know why but it does so I decided to make the. butterfly.