Build a Band

For this project, we studied how waves moved and how sounds and notes are created on instruments. Certain string length, tension, and weight will change how each note sounds for string instruments. For wind instruments, the length from where the air is entering and the exit hole will matter. For this project, I made a canjo, which is a simpler version of a guitar with only three strings. Our group made a clarinet, a drum set, and a canjo.

The link to the document with all of our instruments can be found here:

Reflection: Two things I did well this project were collaboration and critical thinking. I collaborated well with my group and we all completed our instruments on time and we helped each other with the process. I also learned a lot about waves during this project and I demonstrated it well with my final instrument. Two things I could do better are translating this information into my regular life and communication in different stages of projects. The project's communication became hard because each person had unique problems with their instrument and making it. We were also at different stages so it made it hard to help one another.