Writing Poetry

Hayden Cordero - Poem 5) Tell the World How You Feel
Hayden Cordero - Poem 1) Tell the World Who You Are
Hayden Cordero - Poem 4) Tell the World What You Love

For the poetry unit we were assigned 5 poems. The titles of the poems were, "Tell the world who you are," "Tell the world about a special place," Tell the world what you think." "Tell the world what you love," and "Tell the world how it feels." These poetry assignments were meant to help us define our writing skills. They are also meant to encourage us to be more creative and imaginative. They challenge us to examine how we as students fit into the world that we live in.

Reflection: I began each poem by brainstorming ideas and jotting down phrases and words that fit my topic. I added details and organized my thoughts to create each poem. I edited each poem until I was happy with my product. I managed my time effectively by trying to stay focused in class. That way when I worked on my poem at home I could work on adding the detail needed. I prepared to present my poem by reading it over many times and reading it out loud to practice presenting in front of my class. I improved in the area of critical thinking. It can be challenging for me to come up with creative ideas. I think I did a good job being creative with my poems and thinking in depth about myself. Another area I improved on is conscientious learning because I learned the different literary elements of poetry. I plan to improve on cultural competence by incorporating my thoughts about our culture or events in my future writings. The last thing I hope to improve on is my communication. It doesn't come naturally for me to perform and I feel a bit anxious presenting in front of the class. In the future I will try to be more enthusiastic while presenting.