
For the first unit of STEM Biology we learned about macromolecules. We learned how the cells in our bodies are affected by the foods we eat. The main macromolecules we learned about were proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

The picture to the left shows the information we learned about carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids.

Murder in a Meal

After we learned all about macromolecules we were put in to groups of three to do a lab. In the lab we were instructed to find out where a murder victim ate last. The information we were given was three restaurants that the victim eats at and what he orders. We were also told what macromolecules were found in his digestive track during the autopsy.

Hayden Cordero - STEM Murder and a Meal Virtual Lab


I felt that I did well working collaboratively in my group. My group split up the workload well and we were all productive. I also felt that our communication was very good. We all talked about how we were going to handle the job at hand together before even starting. I think on my next project I want to work on being more creative. This project didnt have a lot of room for extra creativity and I look forward to doing projects where I can get creative.