Heart Valve Modeling and Material Testing

Intro: For the project, we wanted to successfully construct a heart valve using supplies from our classroom. The water was funneled through our project using plastic pipe. The other items we utilized were a balloon rubber band and a metal object with holes so that we could pour water into it and have it filter into the valve. we put a metal ball in the opening of the balloon so that when water was poured into one end the ball would push into the neck of the balloon and become water tight but the other way would push it out and water could flow freely.

Our Data

Heart valve young modulous

Pictures of Project During Testing

Material Testing

Hayden Gasaway - (Part 3) Steps 1 and 2 - Heart valve modeling and material testing

Conclusion: Time management and work ethic are two areas where I believe I could have improved. Even though I completed the job, I don't believe I worked with the appropriate urgency. I came extremely close to complete the project on time, but I ultimately finished it at home. I'm eager to collaborate with my team on the upcoming project so we can do even better.