Step 3 

Evidence of Work:

The main focus of the first part of our Capstone Project was to figure out who and what our product will be most useful for. We determined the problem that we are solving with our product, potential clients that would buy from us, and other components to take into account when designing our Refrigerator designed for camping and blackouts. 

Work done so far:

So far on our project we have gotten a lot of work and research done.  This is a very good thing because now going forward we can start to perfect our model and design and keep improving it.  So what we have done so far is we have built our fridge and we have connected all the wires.  But in order to make our fridge even better we want to start adding wire management and we want to make it even more portable.

What problem are we solving?

The problem we are solving is by making a fridge that will have multiple uses.  For the first problem we are solving is the rolling blackout problem in California.   This is a known issue if your a resident in California and, with our fridge it will stop the problem of a random blackout spoiling your food and medicine.   Another use is that you can take the fridge where ever you go because it is small and portable.  Another stellar use for the fridge is camping because you could turn on the fridge and the solar battery will keep your food good the whole time your camping.

What pro  Stem Board Presentation:

Pictures of our prod

Hayden Gasaway - Final revised Proposal (Add all materials and documents related to the STEM Capstone Project done so far)


In this project I though my work was pretty good and I though I did my best work. Two things I did well on was Communication and collaboration. I did well on Collaboration because when my friend didn't know what to put on it I helped him with ideas on what to write about  and how to innovate their project. I did well on communication because I asked my group for advice on what to put down and what to sketch our and research .  I didn't do well on critical thinking and creative.  I didn't do well on critical thinking because I searched up stuff up so I knew what the terms where.  I didn't do good on creativity because our idea was very simple