Cnidaria Mini Poster

We learned about cnidarians in this unit. There were a lot of difficult topics to learn about and a lot of complicated names to remember, but I had a good time. It was fascinating to see a portion of our world that has previously eluded me. We learnt about jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals, as well as how they interacted with the rest of the world and each other.

Apart from taking notes, we had to create these little posters for the jobs and projects we had to do. This was enjoyable because it was a really participatory approach to learn while still having fun. I learnt the differences between each variety as well as all the minor intricacies.

Conclusion: Some things I think I could have done better were time management and work ethic. Even though I got the assignment done I don´t think I worked with as much urgency as necessary. I was very close to finishing on time but I ended up finishing up the project at home. I am looking forward to working with my group to do even better on the next project.