Philosophy of Education

My Teaching Values 

Teaching values are important because it allows you as an educator and your fellow collegues to understand who you are as an educator. As well as provides a lot of resources in which your collegues can use so they can get a better understanding on how to master a concept of skill and be able to share what is useful to them. My teaching values provide an insight into who I am as an educator and where I see myself in the future. Find more about my teaching values may help you out so take a look in the link below.

Role of the Teacher

As a teacher it is your responsibility to support your student and their families in all different ways no matter their backgrounds and where they came from. If you have a new student in class that does not know the English or struggles with Math and Reading how do you adjust your lessons or teachings to accommodate them? It is up to you as an educator to do that, don't rely on another teachers methods because they make not work for those students. The role of a teacher is an important factor in education.

All Students not just ONE

Students are our future! Students come from all different backgrounds, races, cultural traditions, gender, etc.. but that is what makes them who they are today. Students as well as equal because they share the same hobbies, talents, success, etc.. As educators it up to us to show students that they are different but equal at the same time. Being different is beautiful, being beautiful is special, and special is what makes who you are today. That is my motto and will always be my motto going forward in the future as an educator

Curriculum and it's Purpose

When it comes down to curriculum in school it depends on what grade level or level of institution that your field work is in. As teachers it is our jobs to create a creative curriculum for our students to thrive in within school and outside of school. As well as making sure that when you are in school providing each student with the best support so that they can grow together and not be all alone. Proving support to your students allows them to reach and achieve the goals that they wanna achieve while learning and having fun.

Disabilities Are Beautiful

Over the course of the semester I was able to work in a Special Education classroom to understand more how to provide resources for my students that have disabilities. Disabilities are a part of our everyday life because in all educational settings