Field Work


When you enter the Education Studies Program at Dominican, students such as me begin our fieldwork right in the classroom right away. As a freshman, you as a student are required to have 5-10 hours of student observations. This placement of student observations gets us into the classrooms and observing in the classroom right away. We are placed into schools around the San Rafael area based on what we filled out in a Google form that Julie Grellas sends to us at the beginning of each school year.  The school that we are placed at may only be for the semester because we may be switched to another school after the fall semester or we may be at that school for the whole year. Being able to do student observations in classrooms right away is a vital aspect of the program because as an educator we need to first observe, learn, take notes, and then implement them into our school work. This will allow us when it is time to graduate to take what we have learned over our years of student observations and implement them into our classrooms when we are teachers. Throughout the Education Studies Program at Dominican, your student observation hours will increase because it is fundamental for education majors to interact with students and teachers. In our senior year, we will be doing student teaching so getting those observations will help you formulate how you work with your classroom and teacher. 

The links below will take you to my student observations hours from freshman to senior year

Field Work 2023