
Grade 3 - 5

Are you ready to take up your cross?

Jesus washes the disciples' feet to show them an act of service. We are called to serve each other. What are some ways you can perform little acts of service today?

A Humble Act of Service

Jesus performed a humble act of service when he washed the feet of his disciples. When we have a servants heart, we will know the blessings of the Lord.

Intentional Prayer

Jesus shows us how to pray many times during His life, as well as during Holy Week.

Watch the video to see how to pray with intention, then write a prayer for your family. Share the prayer tonight as you wash the feet of a family member.

I Am...

Jesus chose to live among us and become one of us even though He didn't have to.

In John's gospel, Jesus shares seven messages to help us understand who He is.

Write seven "I Am" statements, reflecting on the amazing person God has created you to be. Post these words where you can see them and be reminded of God's love for you.

Washing Feet

Show the love of God by sharing an act of service. Family members can take turns washing each others' feet as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

Praise Poster

Work together to decorate a poster with a special phrase or verse. Hang your poster in a window for others to see. Your words can offer encouragement and praise.

Reflection Time

Today, our lives look much different than what we are used to. When we call on God to guide and strengthen us, we see what is truly possible.

Write a prayer for yourself. Something that encourages you to see what is possible, and the good that can come out of a challenging situation when you put your faith in the Lord.

Click the image to the right to tell us what you learned today!