
Grade 3-5

Click the link above to access the video on the ShareFaith website. This is a great video to help you better understand Judas and the choice he made.

Jesus Clears the Temple

Watch the video to help you understand this moment in Jesus's life during Holy Week, when He entered His Father's house to find people not using the temple to worship God.

The Chrism Mass

The Chrism Mass takes place during Holy Week. The Bishop and the Priests in the diocese gather to celebrate this important liturgy. They will bless the three anointing oils which will be used throughout the year in the Church. Watch the video to learn more about this mass and it's significance.

Cleaning Hearts and House

Prepare your house to welcome Jesus this Easter by going through your home and cleaning. Find items to donate such as clothing, toys, or things you don't use anymore. These items can be organized and placed in bags that are ready to donate once the charities are reopened and you are able to deliver them.

Some suggestions to donate items include:

A Note in the Pocket - Children's clothing: www.noteinthepocket.org

Dorcas Ministries - Clothing, books, toys: www.Dorcascary.org

Durham Rescue Mission-Clothing, toys, books, household items: www.durhamrescuemission.org

Gathering Loose Change

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was stranger and you made me welcome." Matthew 25:35

Go on a scavenger hunt with your family and collect all of the loose change you find in your house and cars. Count all of the coins and consider adding part of your allowance or earned money and make a donation in that same amount to a local charity that is providing food for those who are hungry. You can choose any charity you would like to donate to but the following are currently providing meals in the local community:

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle www.foodshuttle.org/donate

Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC: www.foodbankcenc.org

Western Wake Crisis Ministry: www.wwcm.org

Reflection Time

What three oils are blessed by the Bishop during the Chrism Mass? Which oil is used during Baptism?

Click the image to the right to tell us what you learned today!