
Grade 6-8

What Is Holy Week?

And why do we celebrate it? This brief video gives you a glimpse of the events of Holy Week. We pray that through these prayers, lessons, and family activities, you will grow and develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. May you recognize His love for you through His sacrifice.

Palm Sunday

What is the Triumphal Entry and what does it tell me about Jesus? This video helps you to better understand the Triumphal Entry through God's Word in scripture.

After this video, continue learning about the Hope that Jesus brought us through activities below. Our hope is that through these - and all activities this week - you too will grow closer to Christ.

H.O.P.E. - Hold On, Pain Ends

The Role of Hope in Holy Week

Hope In Front Of Me

Share Hope

Take the message shared in both videos and complete these activities -

  • Write a letter to yourself. What feels challenging or painful right now? What brings you hope for the future? What can you do to help someone who is suffering from a lack of hope?

  • Send an uplifting text message to a friend/family member you think could use some encouragement and hope at this time.

Angel Pathway Profile

Core Values

Consider evidence that you have shown growth in any of the school's Core Values. How have you grown in Service this year? How have you shown leadership at school or in the community this year? How has reverence guided you to a greater appreciation for Christ and others?

Making Palms

Use this link to a website to assist you in creating your own "palm branch". If you don't have green construction paper, be creative: use regular paper and color your palms! Don't have Popsicle sticks? Use a straw or chopstick!

You can choose to decorate your home with palms, too! God's Word gives us great messages about His love for us. Write scripture verses of encouragement and love on each "hand" before you assemble your larger palm branch. Keep your palms in a place where you can look back during Holy Week and Easter for reminders about God's love for you.

Family Walk

Just as Jesus and His disciples journeyed to Jerusalem, take a family journey outside! Get some fresh air during a cool, evening walk as a family and discuss what you learned in today's videos - either from Fr. Noe or about Palm Sunday.

Have some chalk at home? Take some with you and leave inspirational messages of love and hope as you go! Already made your palms? Take them with you on your own family procession through your neighborhood!

Reflection Time

It's amazing to me that Jesus knew He would be crucified the day He entered Jerusalem. Yet He chose to make the journey anyway. He did that for you and me.

Consider something you've been asked to do when you didn't want to. Explain what you did to help you through that difficult time. How does hearing about Jesus's bravery coming into Jerusalem help you to have the same bravery the next time you are faced with a challenge?

Click the image to the right to tell us what you learned today!