
PreK-Grade 2

What is Holy Week?

Watch this video to learn more about why Holy Week is important to our Catholic faith.

Together, let's learn more about the time when Jesus came to Jerusalem through stories and activities.

Palm Sunday

Watch the video with a family member. After watching, answer the questions in the Google form below.

Making Palms

Use this link to a website to assist you in creating your own "palm branch". If you don't have green construction paper, be creative: use regular paper and color your palms! Don't have Popsicle sticks? Use a straw or chopstick!

You can choose to decorate your home with palms, too! Leave messages or pictures of love and hope for your mom, dad, brother, sister, a grandparent or someone else in your home.

Family Walk

Just as Jesus and His disciples journeyed to Jerusalem, take a family journey outside! Get some fresh air during a cool, evening walk as a family and discuss what you learned in today's videos - either from Fr. Noe or about Palm Sunday.

Have some chalk at home? Take some with you and leave inspirational messages of love and hope as you go!

Reflection Time

Jesus entered Jerusalem and the people treated Him as their king by waiving palm branches. How did Jesus enter Jerusalem?

Click the image to the right to tell us what you learned today!