

3 Minute Retreat

In The Name of the Lord - click the image to the left to begin the daily retreat.

Prayer during Holy Week

Meet Fr. Mike Schmitz. He shares suggestions for how prayer can bring you closer to Christ this Holy Week.

Why I'm Catholic

Meet Jackie Angel. She shares why her faith is an important part of her life and how it brings her closer to God.

Materials for Monday Activities

Making Palms

Traditional palms will be available at St. Michael church, but here is a creative way to bring the tradition of creating something from palms home during Holy Week.

Each grade level has been provided a different variation, so the craft is developmentally appropriate for the students' ages.

This link to a website will assist your family in creating "palm branches". Branches can be created with any kind of paper: this is a great time for creativity! Children can use regular paper and color the palms, find pictures in old magazines with lots of green, or use colorful scrapbook paper! Don't have Popsicle sticks? Use a straw or chopstick!

Suggestions given to older students were to write messages or scripture verses on the palms. Perhaps the palms can be used as Holy Week decorations around your house. What a nice treat - every time you see a palm around the house, you'll be greeted with one of your child's loving messages!

Another idea is to decorate your front door - connect with other Catholics in your community this Holy Week. Ideas for sharing & displaying palms can be found with this link.

Family Walk

Just as Jesus and His disciples journeyed to Jerusalem, take a family journey outside! We spend a lot of time inside right now with distance learning opportunities for students or parents continuing to collaborate with colleagues. Use this time tonight to get some fresh air during a cool, evening walk as a family.

While you're on your walk, use the opportunity to discuss what you learned in today's videos - either from Fr. Noe or about Palm Sunday. Family reflections together can help each member Grow In Christ.

And don't forget to share some nuggets of wisdom from your own retreat time today - what plan can your family make about praying during Holy Week from Fr. Mike's video? How can you share the joy of being Catholic with your children from Jackie Angel's video?

Spread the love during your walk: bring sidewalk chalk and leave inspirational messages of love and hope as you go!

Reflection Time

Click the image to the right for your perspectives on today's prayers and lessons.

Your feedback will help us continue to provide meaningful Holy Week reflections for growth for our St. Michael family.

A look ahead to the rest of the week


A Catholic family tradition is to clean house as we prepare to welcome the risen Christ. Some links to help you understand and prepare as a family
Catholic Family Vignettes
Cleaning Checklist


Make cards with each family member's name on it. Pull one name of whose feet each person will wash on this night in remembrance of Christ's service to others. (Mark 10:43-45)


Preparing bread is a tradition that goes back to the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt. Look ahead to prepare for this family experience - do you have the ingredients you'll need? Use these links for ideas and to help you prepare
Unleavened Bread Ingredients & directions
Prepare Resurrection Eggs to hide on Saturday night and find on Easter Sunday morning. Resource links below.
Resurrection Eggs -
Resurrection Eggs for older children


Make or print out own stations; place around house or outside and go on your own stations journey, just as you would in church

Angel Pathway Profile

for students in Grades 4-8

Students at St.Michael School engage in self-reflection as a way to recognize personal strengths and identify areas for growth through Angel Pathway Profile (APP). The StMS APP showcases three pathways for student reflection: Academic Excellence, Core Values, and Gifts & Talents.

Throughout the week, we ask students in grades 4-8 to reflect upon these three areas; for students in grades 6-8 this will be a continuation of work started in February. Please encourage your child(ren) to reflect on and list both strengths and areas for growth in the three pathways.

We hope that some of the prayers, lessons, and family activities in this Holy Week Spiritual Retreat will also provide some items that can be added to their APP. So take pictures or keep mementos along the way as artifacts to include when we return to school.