
Create a space for students to interact with each other

Use the Discussions tool to keep the conversation going before and after class


Set up a discussion forum and topic where students can post and interact with you and one another. First you'll need to create a forum, then you can add a discussion topic to it.

Step 1: Create a Forum

  • Click Discussions from the navigation bar

  • Click the blue New button

  • Choose New Forum

  • Give the forum a name

  • Click Save and Close

Step 2: Create a Topic

  • Click the blue New button

  • Choose New Topic

  • Select the forum in which the topic should be placed

  • Give the topic a name

  • Provide some instructions for the activity in the description box

Optional: Click the Restrictions tab at the top of the page to set availability dates. Click the Assessment tab to make the discussion topic a graded item and associate it with Grades.

  • Click Save and Close at the bottom of the page when you have finished

Looking for more?

Explore Brightspace's guide to Getting Started with Discussions. Use the grey menu on the right of the screen to read through the guides.