
Find your way around the homepage

The homepage is the place you see when you first login to Brightspace. You'll know you're there because you'll see a welcome banner. 


In this 2 minute video we'll demonstrate how to navigate via...


The Minibar is always at the top of your screen. You can use it to return to the NYU homepage at any time, select courses, see notification alerts, and configure your profile and account settings. 

The NYU Navbar is above the welcome banner when you're on the homepage. You can use it to see activity across all your courses (Calendar, Announcements, Quick Eval), access the Bookstore, find your NYU Stream videos via My Media, or create new course sites. 

Annotated screenshot of the minibar, which refers to a group of icons on the top row of the screen. The NYU logo at the top left corner is labelled: "Click the NYU logo at any time to return to the Brightspace homepage." The icon resembling a waffle is labelled "course selector." The group of icons next to it, consisting of an envelope, chat bubble, and bell, are labelled notifications. On the far right is a picture of an instructor and a name. This is labelled, "Click your name to edit your profile, notification, and account settings.
Annotated screenshot of the NYU navbar. "Calendar," "Announcements," and "Quick Eval" are labelled "See activity across all your courses. "NYU Bookstore," "My Media," "Create Course Site," and "Help" are labelled "Access the bookstore, find your NYU Stream videos with My Media, or create a new course site.